What does a person in this occupation do?
Accounting technicians work at all levels of finance, depending on where they are in their careers. Some accounting technicians work as accounts clerks, whilst others go on to become managing directors or finance directors of well-known companies.
Study path:
Entry: Senior Certificate with Mathematics Undergraduate: An Accounting Degree or Diploma at a University of Technology.
The Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) qualifications are:
Certificate in Accounting - there are no formal entry requirements.
Advanced Certificate in Accounting – students normally start at the Certificate Stage, but entry directly to the Advanced Certificate Stage is permitted provided you can satisfy the Association of Accounting Technicians’ entry requirements.
Diploma in Accounting - students will normally be expected to complete the Certificate and Advanced Certificate stages but entry directly to the Diploma Stage is permitted provided you can satisfy the Association of Accounting Technicians’ entry requirements.
Professional bodies:
Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT).
The ACCA qualification is called Certified Accounting Technician (CAT). In order to become an ACCA-qualified accounting technician you need to complete the practical experience requirement (PER) as well as passing your exams and the professional ethics module.